In this article, we will emphasize on vital organs of human body
- Our brain is CPU of our body.
- It controls all the actions performed by us and also give commands to effectors in our body.
- It receives the information from sensory organs through neurons and interpret it and then pass it to the effctors to perform particular types of actions.
- Without Brain, human body cannot perform its functions properly.
- Lungs are one of the vital organs of our body because they are the site where air is exchanged i-e:oxygen is inhaled and carbondioxide is exhaled from the body.
- Lungs have sac like functional unit called alveoli.
- Oxygen enters the lungs due tom difference in partial pressure in lungs and atmosphere.
- Without lungs,our body is unable to receive oxygenated blood and amount of deoxygenated blood will increase.
- Heart is pumping oragan about the size of our fist.
- Its role is to pump the blood thorougout the body.
- Heart beats 72 times in one minute.
- It sends deoxygenated blood to lungs and in turn receive oxygenated blood from lungs.
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