Artificial intelligence is the intelligence that is artificial actually. It is actually the development of computer science that matches the human intelligence. It is beneficial as well as dangerous to human beings.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Uses of AI
  • Key characteristics of AI
  • Types of AI


The term of “Artificial Intelligence” was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956.

Now AI has undergone several transformations and advancements.

Uses of AI

AI is now a days using in various industries. Here are some examples.

  • Healthcare : AI is being used in diagnosis personalized medicine, in medical imaging analysis and also in patient data analysis. Robotic surgeries are also being done in advanced countries.
  • Finance : Ai is also being used in finance to detect fraud detection, credit risk assessments, in automated grading, and in customer services chatbot.
  • Education : AI is also being used in education, in tutoring systems, in adaptive learning, and in automated grading. Robots are also being introduced in schools as teacher.
  • Marketing : AI is also being used in marketing, in customer segmentation, in chatbots for customer use, and in content generation.
  • AI is being used in almost every field, in industries, in daily life, in manufacturing, in transportation, in agriculture, in security, in customer services, in human resources, in environmental monitoring, in sports, travel, and for entertainment also.
  • So we can say that AI will be everywhere in future. It will replace humans.

Key Characteristics of AI

Intelligence: AI has intelligence (Artificial) and due to this it can solve problems and used in learning purposes.

Autonomy: AI can make decisions without any human interpretation due to its autonomic nature.

Adaptability: AI has adaptability to adapt to new environments, environments and tasks by passage of time.

Types of AI

Narrow or weak AI: Narrow or weak AI is actually designed to perform some specific tasks such as language recognition or facial recognition.

General or Strong AI: General or strong AI is designed that matches human intelligence and capabilities.

Super Intelligence: It is designed that leaves human intelligence behind.


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